This page contains an overview of my science communication (outreach) activities and media appearances:
- Interview on climate change in the geological past for Het Weer Magazine (July 2019)
- Appearance in Dutch New Scientist magazine to answer question on future ice ages (June 2019)
- Lecture “Klimaatverandering in het geologisch verleden” at Haagse Geologische Vereniging (HGV) – Den Haag, The Netherlands (13-04-2019).
- Podcast “Spoedcursus Verduurzaming – Stap 1: Tem de Wanhoop” on climate change and sustainability for Vrij Nederland (17-01-2019)
- Lecture “Klimaatverandering in het geologisch verleden” at Stichting Geologische Aktiviteiten (GEA) – Amstelland, Amstelveen, The Netherlands (08-01-2019).
- Lecture “Klimaatverandering in het geologisch verleden” at Nederlandse Geologen Vereniging – West-Friesland, St. Pancras, The Netherlands (04-01-2019).
- Radio interview regarding Nature Communications paper and summer 2018 heatwave in The Netherlands in relation to climate change for Radio 538 (25-07-2018).
- Article “Klimaatwetenschapper: Aarde moet zelf opwarming terugdringen, maar alle beetjes helpen” (in Dutch) in newspaper Algemeen Dagblad (25-07-2018).
- Article “Universiteit Utrecht: vorige keer duurde de hitte 500.000 jaar” (in Dutch) in newspaper Algemeen Dagblad (25-07-2018).
- Press release “Warme broeikaswereld door haperende thermostaat van de aarde” (in Dutch) and “Faltering climate thermostat resulted in hothouse Earth” (in English) for Utrecht University (23-07-2018).
- Lecture “Klimaatverandering in het geologisch verleden” at Nederlandse Geologen Vereniging – Utrecht en het Gooi, Museum Hofland, Laren, The Netherlands (19-03-2018).
- Lecture “Het broeikasklimaat van het verleden” at Gymnasium Apeldoorn, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands (06-10-2017).
- Workshop “Challenges in Science Communication” at 7th National Science Communication Student Conference, Utrecht University, 2016.
- Geo Future School Teaching Module “Tipping points in past climate”. High school teaching material as part of Tipping Point Ahead and NESSC, 2015.